'EXPAND FOR MORE INFO: David Jones Promo pdf for free GWP: http://davidjones.com.au/images/PDFs/0880126 PRODUCTS SHOWN: Sheer Genius Foundation- Look #3 Bronze Patrol Off Duty Tinted Moisturizer- Light/Medium Double Agent Nude Lip Palette Divine Goddess Lipstick - Demeter FREE GIFTSET WITH $AU69 SPEND: Skinny Latte Nail Polish- full size Auto Pilot Pre foundation Skin Primer- Deluxe Sample Sheer Genius Liquid Foundation Deluxe Sample- Look #3 Long Black Mascara Deluxe Sample- Double Black Prismatic Eyeshadow Quad - #13- full size Double Agent Rouge Lip Palette- full size FREE ADD-ON GIFT (for $120 spend total you get this in addition to above giftset) Auto Pilot Pore Minimizer & Mattifier _____________________________________________________ I use and recommend Sigma brushes. My referral link to their website is http://www.sigmabeauty.com/?Click=29671 if you want to check them out. They ship internationally and are great quality brushes, available individually or as great kits. Don\'t hesitate to message me for any questions. To watch a vid about where I buy a lot of my makeup online: http://youtu.be/6g5sGZ-Pgvw Want more GOO ROO BEAUTY? BLOG: www.gooroobeauty.net (primarly FOTD\'s, EOTD\'s) TWITTER: @jodik76 FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/gooroobeauty PINTEREST: https://pinterest.com/gooroobeauty/ All products shown in this video were paid for by me with my own money. All opinions expressed in this video are solely my own, and not influenced by any commercial or third party interests. Thanks for watching! Peace, joy & beauty, Jodi xo'
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