'Today I am trying some new products that were featured in my Friday Freebies and Haul videos. The focus on this video is Studio Gear Dual Identity Wet/Dry Mineral Foundation is a true revolutionary advancement in beauty. These loose minerals provide all the benefits you’ve come to expect of a normal mineral foundation enhanced with the improved application, feel, look, and performance you love from your favorite wet, dry, or liquid foundation. It\'s versatility makes it the perfect makeup for all seasons. Studio Gear is NOT tested on animals Dual Identity Wet/Dry Foundation:https://goo.gl/PUOerv Come join us weekly for Choly chats!! We love to hear from you!! if you have any suggestions for future videos please leave them in the comments section Opening Song in my intro is \"Forever Live and Die\"-By OMD GROW YOUR BLOG OR CHANNEL: get connected with brands?? you need to sign up for SVERVE: https://www.sverve.com/dashboard/?p1=7710 New!! Sample Swap Shop Group:https://www.facebook.com/groups/SampleSwapShopGroup FAMEBIT SPONSORSHIPS CONTACT:https://famebit.com/#/profile/CholyFlower Review sites I use: http://www.brandbacker.com/ http://amazingdealsgroup.com/ https://www.tomoson.com/ http://www.snagshout.com/ http://buview.com/ http://www.pollen-8.com/ http://craveblogging.myinstapage.com/ https://honestfew.com/reviewers/ https://www.amzonereviews.com/ https://www.reviewkick.com/deals $15 in FREE kids clothing! sign up with my link:http://www.schoola.com/stitch?ref=cp-3Xtm7GKN TUMBLEDEAL GET $10 Coupon to SHOP when you sign up!:http://vnlink.co/SxXb3Wg Wanna make some extra cash and get fit with brands?:http://bst.is/WqVKW8 ALL BUSINESS INQUIRIES please contact me here: [email protected] Contact me directly there if you wish to send me anything (do not have PO box) ***Divine and Sexy*** Get 25% off with Code:DHYT LINKS TO SITES I USE: GLAMBOT:https://www.glambot.com/?refcode=6eu Influenster:https://www.influenster.com/the-hub Swaggable:https://swaggable.com/?st_uid=624859310&st_source=sharing-link&st_type=invite-friends#sthash.qWGeUStW.dpuf FOLLOW ME: Instagram:http://instagram.com/choly33 (CholyFlower)https://www.facebook.com/CholyFlower Sample (Swap Shop) https://www.facebook.com/SampleSwapShop VISIT THE SWAP SHOP AND HAVE SOME FUN SWAPPING!!! Pinterest:http://www.pinterest.com/choly33/ MY BLOG:http://cholyflower.blogspot.com/ TWITTER AND PERISCOPE: @CholyFlower'
Tags: beauty , tutorial , Lifestyle , bh cosmetics , makeup , grwm , reviews , And , elf , get , deals , freebies , hauls , Ready , carli bybel , bybel , studio gear , Cholyflower
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