Aug 27, 2023
'How Can I Motivate Myself To Study Hard At University? There is a reason \'work smart not hard\' is a cliche. Your focus should always be on being efficient with your study time. Check out the StudyTV Memory Hack on getting twice the results in half the time: http://studyingtv.com/free-audiobook-unlimited-memory-advanced-learning-strategies-to-learn-faster-remember-more-and-be-more-productive/ In my opinion, two evils conspire to make revision-time miserable: the first is the stress of approaching exams, and the sense that there is an overwhelming amount of information to learn in an ever-dwindling period of time. Even spending time Source: https://www.quora.com/How-can-I-motivate-myself-to-study-hard-at-university http://studyingtv.com/how-can-i-motivate-myself-to-study-hard-at-university/ Join us on live daily study sessions on our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/Study-TV-297190797729333/ More: https://youtu.be/cI1Id8kaCvo Subscribe to our channel!'
Tags: motivation , motivational video , motivational video for students , motivation for school , study motivation video
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