'Please subscribe, like, share & comment! D I S C O U N T C O D E S: (*Affiliate Code/Links) *Code ‘CHLOEJOY\' for 20% off any Simple Glam Girls makeup brushes https://www.simpleglamgirls.com/ I N S T A G R A M: https://www.instagram.com/chloejoymak... (makeup only) and https://www.instagram.com/littlecocon...) S N A P C H A T: littlecocoface F A C E B O O K P A G E: www.facebook.com/abrushwithcolour E M A I L: [email protected] P R O D U C T L I S T: Foundation: Smitten Cosmetics Complexion Perfection | Light Blush: Smitten Cosmetics Cream Blush | Blossom Contour: Smitten Cosmetics Complexion Perfection | Mocha Highlighter: Smitten Cosmetics Complexion Perfection | Porcelain Highlighter: Smitten Cosmetics Cream Illuminator | Brows: Smitten Cosmetics Hollywood Eyes/Brow Pen | Light Eyeshadows: Smitten Cosmetics Eyeshadow Palettes | Contour Palette and Classics Palette. Liner: Smitten Cosmetics Hollywood Eyes/Brow Pen | Black. Lipstick: Smitten Cosmetics Lipstick | Nude Lingerie Brushes: Smitten Cosmetics and Simple Glam Girls Oval brushes.'
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