06:30 Jun 22, 2023
'የቡላ ኦሪጅን ኢትዬጽያ እንደሆነ ይታመናል። ቡላ እንሰንት ተብሎም ይጠራል። የቡላ ዱቄቱ እንደ  ቆጮ ተጋግሮ ከክትፎ ጋርየሚቀር ምግብ ነው። ዱቄቱ እንደ አጥሚት እና እንደ ገንፎ ወይም እኔ በዚህ ቪዲዬ እንዳዘጋጀሁት እንደፍርፍር ሆኖ ሊዘጋጅ ይችላል።  ለጤናች እንደ አይረን፥ ፖታሲየም እና ካልሲየም ንጥረ ነገሮችን የያዘና ለጤናች በጣም እንደሆነ ይታመናል።   አዘገጃጀቱ ከታች ተገልጧል። Bula is a plant, which it\'s origin is believed to be Ethiopia. sometimes it is called false banana. From the root of it we can get a flour like powder. This powder is called Bula or Enset.  Bula can be baked as a flat bread called in Amharic“Kocho” and can be served with “Kitfo” (which is Ethiopian special meal mediem rare, well done, or rare chopped beef prepared with butter and spices.)  Bula can also be used as a porridge, as Genfo, a hot drinkable meal  which can be prepared with milk and honey. Bula also can be prepared as (Firfir) as I prepare it in this video.   Bula is a very labor intensive meal to prepare it from the scratch. Thank you for watching. Please Subscribe, share this to others. Thank you. Recipe is attached below. 2 1/2 Tbs Ethiopian or Regular butter, ቅቤ 2 Cup of Bula ቡላ  2 Tbs Red Pepper በርበሬ 1 Cup of Milk ወተት 1 Cup of water ውሃ  1/4 Tsp Salt ጨው Hi, Welcome to Martie A  \' how to cook modern and traditional Ethiopian food and...more\'. Ethiopian dining is a social event, a shared experience, it is fun to eat Ethiopian food with hands, and the flavors are so distinct, delicious and amazing.  The food is always mouth watering.  Try it and Enjoy!' 

Tags: tasty , French Toast , soul food , shiro , mark wiens , grilled salmon , Ethiopian food , injera , zehabesha , marcus samuelsson , kinche , teff injera , Bula , shiro fitfit , Chechebsa , Teff Kita Firfir , ebc , berbere , Besso , Suff Fitfit Meal , Siga Wot Beef Dish , Chikko , Zehabesha Official , Tolosa Ibsa , Mereja TV , Top Mereja , Injera Agelgel , Mereja Tube , Rice And Vegitable , gena , Raw Beef Kurt Siga , Cappuchino Coffee , Cookies Home Made , Bulla Firfir

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