'Enjoy this Dance Yoga sequence with your parents and grandparents from the comfort of your home. Start practicing with the video and once you have learnt all the steps, you can try the next video that has just the music in it, so you can do it daily. Special Thanks to my amazing 80 year old grandmother Gomathy Shankar. Check out our other videos for senior citizens. Here\'s the playlist: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL4vfimezsLrT0fs33e8Q54R80K_n9LYcU Follow Rashmi on Social Media Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/therashmiramesh Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/therashmiramesh Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/therashmiramesh Website: https://www.yogalateswithrashmi.com CREDITS Content & Direction: Rashmi Ramesh Producer, Camera, Sound, Music & Editing: Malay Vadalkar © Copyright Rashmi Ramesh #danceforelderly #yogaforseniorcitizens #elderlydance #chairworkout #danceyogaathome #yogalateswithrashmi #yogalates #seniorcitizensyoga'
Tags: Dance , yoga for elderly , senior citizens , dance for elderly , yoga with rashmi , yogalates with rashmi , yoga for senior citizens , workout for senior citizens
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