Apr 17, 2023
'More ways to connect with us! 1). SUBSCRIBE Get notified when we release new workouts http://www.YouTube.com/SeniorFitnessWithMeredith 2). VISIT US Online https://www.SeniorFitnessWithMeredith.com 3). SIGN UP for our Newsletter http://www.SeniorFitnessWithMeredith.com/Subscribe 4). SOCIAL-ize with us! http://www.Facebook.com/SeniorFitnessWithMeredith 5). DONATE - Thank You For Your Support! https://www.SeniorFitnessWithMeredith.com/Donate 6). SUBSCRIBE TO OUR PODCAST Senior Fitness Podcast With Meredith https://www.seniorfitnesswithmeredith.com/podcasts/ Apple Podcasts - https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/senior-fitness-with-meredith-podcast/id1481166012 Buzzsprout - https://www.buzzsprout.com/655240 /// In this workout video, Meredith is taking you through a great full body chair workout perfect for those who are looking to start out with seated exercises. This is also a great workout for anyone who regularly exercises but is looking to get back to some basic movements. Chair workouts are a great way to get in exercise in a low impact manner that is easy on your knees, back and joints. It\'s still very important to exercise even if you mobility or range of motion is limited. This workout is perfect for that! This routine does use weights which you can substitute using water bottles or cans of soup. You can also omit weights altogether and just go through the routine to benefit from the range of motion. As usual, always keep water close and take water breaks when you need. Also, only do the movements that you are comfortable with and never force anything. Your level of comfort is important so you can continue to exercise for years to come! Have a great workout! Team Meredith'
Tags: senior fitness with meredith
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