'DEEP CLEANING MY SON\'S ROOM | THOUGHTFUL THURSDAY, TALKING ABOUT OWNING YOUR FEELINGS FOR BUSINESS INQUIRIES: [email protected] Connect with me: ✨Email: [email protected] ✨Website: https://wordpress.com/view/organizedwithjoy.com ✨Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/organized.with.joy/ ✨Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/organization.with.joy/ My name is Joy. I’m a mom of three older kids - my oldest just graduated from college, my middle is in college, and my youngest is in high school. I have been a SAHM since my oldest was a year old, only having a couple different part time jobs over the years once all my kids were in school. I have also enjoyed volunteering with several non for profit organizations. About a year ago I started my own business doing in home organization here in Austin, Texas as a professional organizer! I want to share some of the tips and tricks I learned from being a SAHM for over 20 years. {{music licensed by Music Bed}} For today’s Thoughtful Thursday video I wanted to talk about owning your feelings. This was probably one of the most difficult lessons for me to learn. I spent so many years blaming others for the way I felt, but now I know that I choose how I feel and I am in control of how I feel. I want to preface this by saying it’s okay to feel something negative in response to how someone has treated you or something that they have said to you. As humans, emotions can be an automatic response. But we have a choice to sit in those feelings and dwell on the negativity, or to redirect ourselves. Sometimes we have to sit in the feelings for a bit to process them and maybe even talk to a friend or counselor about the feelings - particularly if it was trauma. I’m reminded of an analogy I once heard. Feelings are like an airplane passing through your radar. It’s coming through whether you want it to or not, but you don’t have to make a landing strip for the plane to land. You don’t have to make a home in your mind and heart to ruminate on the negative feelings. The plane flys over, you acknowledge that it is there but then you let it pass. I am not saying to ignore the feelings or don’t address it. Depending on who it was who provoked the negative feeling, you may need to speak with them about it. But, we need to stop using the phrase “YOU MADE ME feel blank - sad, angry, hurt, upset.” and instead say “*I* am feeling blank because of what you did or said to me.” Own. Your. Feelings. It can be difficult to talk to someone about how you are feeling in response to their words or actions. Sometimes it’s necessary to talk to the person, but sometimes you can work through the emotions on your own, but again then you release instead of making a landing strip for the emotions. This can be particularly difficult with someone who repeatedly says or does hurtful things. Really evaluate your situation and if it is an abusive relationship, consider if that person should be a part of your life. If it is a relationship you value enough, then set up boundaries and communicate the boundaries to this person. I will say, none of this is easy. I hope I’m not making it sound simple. It is work. It is a difficult process, but the more you practice owning your feelings the easier it becomes. I myself have recently been thinking about listening to my emotions and feeling what I am feeling, but processing through those feelings. Well, I hope this chat was encouraging to you today. I always love hearing your thoughts on the topics I discuss, so leave me a comment about your experience with this, or what you think about this topic. I am always open to others’ ideas and opinions, so if you have a different opinion on anything I talk about I would love to hear that too! I hope you will stick around for the remainder of the video to get some more cleaning motivation!'
Tags: intentional living , inspiration , positivity , austin , cleaning motivation , Encouragement , austin texas , Positive thinking , deep cleaning , pep talk , atx , spark joy , Inspirational talk , inspiring talk , Deep cleaning motivation , deep cleaning my son's room , thoughtful thursday , talking about owning your feelings , encouraging talk , organize your thoughts , organizing your thoughts , organized thoughts , intentional thinking , organized with joy
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