Mar 24, 2023
'⭐️ Recipe for Red Potatoes and Carrots Puree Prep Time: 10 minutes Total Cook Time : 30 minutes Ingredients: 3 Red Potatoes Half a pound of carrots Steps: 1. Boil Red Potatoes and Carrots separately until soft for about 15-25 minutes. 2. Add boiled potatoes, carrots and a little bit of water to a blender and make a puree. Resulting puree should be creamy and tasty. This video is for busy moms & dads and dads who are looking for healthy and nutritious Home Made Baby Food/Solids that can also help avoid Baby Constipation. Carrot is high in fiber that can help relieve constipation. This recipe is for baby/infant from 6 months old and up.See also: