'Myself and Angelina (from Angie Walks) decided that we will treat each other and collab by exchanging swapboxes. Hope you enjoyed this video, I had so much fun opening and filming this one. Germany Vlogs: Day 1 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qSQHaSOzZDM Day 2 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w_3dWPImw8M Angie\'s links: Blogpost - https://angiewalks.wordpress.com/2016/09/14/swapbox-unboxing-with-grace-lee/ Blog - http://angiewalks.wordpress.com/ Instagram - @angie_walks https://www.instagram.com/angie_walks Follow me on Instagram - @officialgracelee https://www.instagram.com/officialgracelee Music: Funny Song, Little Idea, and Ukulele from Ben Sounds http://www.bensound.com'
Tags: beauty , london , vlogger , youtuber , Asian , england , blonde , blogger , perfume , uk , chinese , collaboration , blog , presents , burberry , eyelashes , Malaysian , swapbox , my burberry , angie walks
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