'Every once in a while, there\'s an earth-shattering update that splits the heavens and freezes hell over. This isn\'t it. But hey, it\'s an update that didn\'t take another two years, and that\'s good enough! The prices at the end are what I put the prices at on the Steam Community Market, while the (parenthesis numbers) are the amounts of money I actually earned from my selling.'
Tags: Bananas , funny , banana , TF2 , Team Fortress 2 , pc , Unboxing , Unusuals , steam , loot boxes , jojo , Jojo's Bizarre Adventure , infinite , loot crate , undertale , sans , jojo reference , blue moon , sonic forces , Stranges , Lootboxes , Hopefully Funny , maybe funny , lootcrates , Is that a Jojo reference , Sans' Slippers , Once in a blue moon , Infinite the Jackal , Infinite's Theme
See also: