!['What is the Rarest Item in Oldschool Runescape? [OSRS]'](https://cdn-img01.cosmeticsvlog.com/images/3-m/108/1085187.jpg)
'Hey guys, today I wanted to try and find the rarest item in osrs. You can define this in a few different ways, but I will be showing you a few different categories of rare items. Some will be achievement items, some will be trad-able items and some will be minigame items. The only things I am not considering an item right now is pets. Now most people think the rarest item in game would be third age! While third age is extremely rare, it is definitely not the rarest item in the game. Take for example the xeric\'s champion cape which requires 2000 chambers of xeric challenge mode kills. Or the Phasmatis flag which requires you to play trouble brewing? Thanks for watching! Flipping Discord https://discord.gg/ZUNVkhV Grand Exchange Tracker https://www.ge-tracker.com/?ref=flippingoldschool Support me on Patreon https://www.patreon.com/flippingoldschool Clan Chat: \"FlippingOSRS\" Twitter: https://twitter.com/FlippingOSRS'
Tags: osrs , Runescape , old school runescape , rare items osrs , rarest item osrs , osrs rarest item , rarest item in osrs , What is the Rarest Item in Oldschool Runescape , rarest item oldschool runescape , oldschool runescape rarest item , xerics champion osrs , oldschool runescape rare items , what is the rarest item osrs , rare items old school runescape , top rare items , top rare items osrs , champions cape osrs , max cape osrs , guthix max cape osrs
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