'A colourful smokey eye tutorial in purple using the BH cosmetics Sapphire palette from my recent huge makeup haul: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2MpMTlCuMs8 The eyeshadows used in this eye makeup tutorial are Sympathetic (matte violet eyeshadow) Organized AF (matte dark teal eyeshadow), Sapphire (metallic cool purple eyeshadow on the lower lid) and Sporty (a silver shimmer eyeshadow used on the lips as a topper). See one more BH cosmetics Sapphire palette tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nK0jluX0z2U The BH cosmetics birthsone collection Sapphire palette passed the six-hour wear test on very oily lids and did not fade! So, the BH cosmetics eyeshadow formula is fit for oily eyelids, you can definitely wear it and not be afraid that it will come off in an hour, and that goes both for metallics and mattes! I also matched a blue lip with a purple lip liner to this blue and violet creative eyeshadow look! What lipstick colour would you choose? If you love colourful makeup and creative makeup, you will also enjoy my other THEMIRRORBEAUTY S O C I A L M E D I A: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/themirrorbeauty/ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@themirrorbeauty RedBubble: https://www.redbubble.com/people/themirrorbeauty/shop?asc=u A F F I L I A T E C O D E S: TTD EYE - use discount code is THEMIRROR for 10% off: https://ttdeye.com/?aff=11993 Pinky Paradise – use coupon code is themirror10 for 10% off: https://www.pinkyparadise.com/ #eyeshadowtutorial #bhcosmetics #makeuptutorial #eyemakeup'
Tags: Makeup Tutorial , bh cosmetics , eyeshadow tutorial , purple eyeshadow , smokey eye , bh cosmetics palette , smokey eye tutorial , smokey eyes , smokey eyes tutorial , eye makeup tutorial , bh cosmetics tutorial , mermaid makeup , smoky eyes , smoky eyes tutorial , oily eyelids , bh cosmetics sapphire palette , sapphire palette , bh cosmetics birthstone collection , nymph makeup , bh cosmetics sapphire , themirrorbeauty , violet eyeshadow
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