'Here\'s my evil little elf! Hope you guys enjoy. Welcome to my Christmas series, \'The 12 Scares of Christmas\'. I\'m doing twelve horror/Christmas tutorials during the month of December. I wasn\'t able to do videos during October/Halloween because I was filming my Saseffects horror series - Coming out next March! So now that I\'m done, I wanted to do these! SOCIAL MEDIA » Instagram: http://instagram.com/saseffects Twitter: http://twitter.com/saseffects Facebook: http://facebook.com/saseffects I\'ve just started Twitch!! https://www.twitch.tv/saseffects MUSIC » Storytime - Myuu https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FsSvwIH1yDo EQUIPMENT » Editing Software: Final Cut Pro X Camera: Nikon Coolpix P7700 ----------------------- ABOUT ME » I\'m Stephanie from Brisbane, Australia. I\'m a special effects & beauty makeup artist who also is completely invested in the horror genre. I love being creative and invite as many creative minds as i can to my channel :D Hope you stick around! FAQ » What\'s the scar in the middle of your forehead from? When I was young, I ran straight into the corner edge of a wall. Like smack bang, right in the middle. I dunno, I dunno, ask my mother. I obviously wasn\'t a smart child. How tall are you? I\'m 6\'0... so, about 180cm maybe? The city is nice up here. MY ANIME LIST » See what I\'m watching now: http://myanimelist.net/animelist/saseffects ----------------------- BUSINESS » Contact: [email protected] FTC » This is NOT a sponsored video. None of the companies mentioned or shown are reimbursing me in any way, shape or form. All opinions are my own.'
Tags: beauty , tutorial , girl , makeup , Horror , fun , pranks , christmas , halloween , happy , elf , body painting , scary , SFX , australian , Brisbane , Snow , special , effects , gore , EVIL , Special FX , Body art , facepaint , facepainting , spfx , jordan hanz , saseffects , freakmo
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