'Since I\'ve gotten a few requests I\'m going to expand the theme a bit. If you\'d like you can do reptile print as well. (No insects please) If you decide that you\'re going to enter please incorporate some sort of animal print to your look. You can use any makeup products. They don\'t have to be B-Slap Cosmetics in order for you to enter. However, if you do own some B-Slap products please feel free to send me a link of it so that I can post them on my myspace page :) Rules 1.Please say your username or hold up a sign to let me know that the video you submit corresponds to the youtube account submitting the entry. 2. Please submit a 1 minute video response telling me something about your look what inspired you or anything else you\'d like to share. You can submit a slideshow of pictures but I would still need you to hold up a piece of paper with your youtube username on it. 3. You must 18 years old + if not you need parental consent Have fun and be creative! The winner will get to pick any makeup item on the B-Slap Cosmetics website. (It has to be a makeup product it can\'t be any jewelry) http://bitchslap-cosmetics.com If you\'re interested in checking out the other B-Slap contests click these links NikkieTutorials Contest http://www.youtube.com/NikkieTutorials Dana\'s Contest http://www.youtube.com/danalajeunesse If you\'d like to watch the tutorial for my Glamorous Zebra print click on the link below: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V5IXHzzH5_g'
Tags: makeup , tutorials , Eily , Eily311
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