'Well, sometimes i do better kills but i can\'t record them.. but anyways i hope you guys enjoy my video and i\'ll see you the next time! Game: http://store.steampowered.com/app/440/ Spy Animations: http://tf2.gamebanana.com/skins/140710 Music: rocketjumpwaltz (From Freak Fortress 2) Spy Loadout: Weapons (Festive Ambassador - The Snack Attack - Your Eternal Reward - Strange Dead Ringer) Cosmetics (The Dashin\' Hashshashin - The Doublecross-Comm - The Backstabber\'s Boomslang \"Grey Painted\")'
Tags: top 5 , best , TF2 , Team Fortress 2 , cool , Surf , spy , Nice , kills , head shots , skilled , stabs , MikeyRoster , Mikey Roster , Backstabs , TF2 Surf Kills Top 5
See also: