'I show my honest opinion about L\'Aveu cosmetics, and a little demo on how to use! LINKS: Here is the website to the official L\'Aveu cosmetics: https://laveudeadsea.com/ Prices vary from place to place, so I recommend checking Sam\'s club, and amazon too! Amazon (shows cosmetics, and reviews): http://www.amazon.com/LAveu-Facial-Exfoliating-Gel-1-7/dp/B00GMN0IDI ME (Makeover Essentials brush set): https://makeover-essentials.com/shop/24-piece-professional-brush-set/ Dress: Pac Sun Song: Spring in my step-Silent Partner I was not sponsored or paid to say any of this, these are all my opinions. Thanks for watching!'
Tags: cosmetics , best , video , YouTube , like , subscribe , moisturizer , product review , cream , Me , mom , story , brush set , experience , brushes , comment , sister , exfoliate , rating , trying , sam's club , main channel , exfoliating gel , L'Aveu Cosmetics , Ashlynne , AshMoff , Makeover Essentials
See also: